Does your child suffer from severe, dental-related anxiety or fear? Are they too young to sit still for procedures in the treatment chair or have an extremely sensitive gag reflex? These are situations where sedation dentistry might be the safest choice for their upcoming appointment at Victoria Pediatric Dental & Orthodontics. To schedule a visit to our office, please contact us in Victoria, TX today.

We offer several sedation options for families in need, and our doctors will help parents determine the best choice for their unique child. These options include:

Nitrous oxide

Nitrous oxide is also known as “laughing gas,” and it’s inhaled through a nasal mask that children will wear throughout their appointment. This form of sedation is very mild and safe, and it will simply help your loved one feel more calm and content. Better yet, the effects wear off very quickly after the mask is removed, which means the patient will need little to no downtime afterward.

Oral Sedation

For oral sedation, children will need to take a prescribed medication at a certain time before their visit is set to begin. Once the effects start, they should feel deeply relaxed.

Fluoride Treatment

IV sedation also helps our young patients achieve a deep state of relaxation, but the delivery of the medication is slightly different. It will be administered intravenously, which allows our team to control the dosage much more precisely in order to ensure their safety and comfort. Your child may end up falling asleep during the procedure and wake up with no memory of their treatment.

Parents can rest assured that our team will carefully monitor your child at every point during their procedure. Please keep in mind that your son or daughter will need several hours and maybe the rest of the day to recover if you elect to use IV sedation or oral sedation for them.

In addition to the above reasons, our doctors may also recommend sedation dentistry for children who’ve had negative or traumatic dental care experiences in the past, children who struggle to become safely numb through the use of local anesthetic, and children who have behavioral or mental special needs. We can’t wait to make their next visit to the dentist’s office a pleasant one!


 8:00am – 5:00pm
 8:00am – 5:00pm
 8:00am – 5:00pm
 8:00am – 5:00pm
 8:00am – 5:00pm